ormation are really terrifying. When they see a battle formation composed of five or six division cultivators, they dare to rush into it without hesitation. Moreover, before the horses arrive, the men will fly first. Get up and kill him.

ormation are really terrifying. When they see a battle formation composed of five or six division cultivators, they dare to rush into it without hesitation. Moreover, before the horses arrive, the men will fly first. Get up and kill him.
Damn it, this is the great knight charging into battle! Ivan, who witnessed this scene, was so horrified that his hair stood up.
The great knight in the eyes of the people of Ivan is what the people of Middle-earth call a real man. Who wouldn’t be afraid of a real man charging into battle?
Scholar Huyan who was rushing into the formation was also sighing secretly, there is no way, I can’t do it if I don’t rush into the formation. It seems that there are more than a thousand cavalry coming. Ninety-nine percent of them are unable to fight. It is already very good to be able to ride a horse safely without falling off. Not bad.
The cavalry he brought were all Rouran slaves rescued from the Red Valley. These slaves were masters who lived day by day. They worked extremely hard every day, but the food was not even enough to satisfy their hunger. They were overdrawing their lives in mining.
Some people often fall to the ground and never get up again.
/Ivan turned a blind eye to this. Inferior slaves will die. If they are fed, won’t they have the strength to rebel?
To put it more cruelly, even the Chinese treat prisoners like this. Even if you are a national prisoner, you cannot cause trouble when you are full, you must be hungry.
As for you who can’t stand it, you deserve to be unlucky – just try not to let you starve to death.
And Ivan is even more like this to Rouran slave, you deserve to starve to death!
Therefore, the Rouran slaves who were rescued were all so weak that they might even fall down if they were given a breath of air.
However, Scholar Huyan really had no time to hesitate. After slaughtering all the guards and managers, he immediately summoned the slaves and issued an order: report each other, and those who are not Rouran people will die! It’s from Rouran. Come with me to fight Smuke!
Of course, those Rouran people who really didn’t have the strength to even ride a horse could only stay in the Red Valley.
I think there were not many Rouran people who came to Smuke, only three to four hundred people. They already knew that they were saved by their tribe, but they really didn’t have the energy to fight Smuke.
Even if we are allowed to rest for two days before going, it is easy to negotiate. We cannot fight with this strength.
/As expected, Scholar Huyan knew the Rouran people very well. He made another decision. The Rouran people left behind should drink broth and milk. You are in poor health and cannot eat too much, otherwise you will starve to death.
If you come with me to fight Smuke, you can get half a catty of mutton per person and three sips of wine!
It’s not that I don’t have wine and mutton, but I really can’t let you eat too much.
Then he gathered together twelve hundred people.
So he left four Middle-earth men to guard the camp, and