I smiled and said: “I am honored that the two seniors can trust me so much. However, after all, I am not your Onmyoji, let alone a member of your family. If something happens to you when you go up there, there is no guarantee.”

/I smiled and said: “I am honored that the two seniors can trust me so much. However, after all, I am not your Onmyoji, let alone a member of your family. If something happens to you when you go up there, there is no guarantee.”
I The two people standing in front of me are both big shots. Although they are old, they are shrewd! After hearing what I said, can you not understand what I mean? Knowing that I was asking for a price, the two of them didn’t get angry. They must have thought about it before they spoke. I would definitely ask for a price. Soon the old head of the Ashiya family said to me: “Do you want money or something?”
I felt happy when I heard this, and I thought to myself: This old man is also a road tripper. I’m not short of money, they still owe me several million dollars, and I can make it through in five years. I am really short of things, mainly a suitable weapon. Although the Broken Sword is good, it is incomplete after all.
After thinking about it for a while, I said, “Hey, I’m missing a weapon. Can you get me a weapon that’s suitable for me?”
After thousands of years of operation by the two families, can their foundation be shallow? There must be a lot of inventory, and I’m not greedy, as long as I get what I’m satisfied with. The two old family heads looked at each other, and then the old head of the Abe family said: “We can take you into our treasure house, and then you can choose everything in it, one family at a time.”
After listening to this, I Before I could get excited, the boss next to me, the former Riyulang, had already stared. He secretly grabbed me and whispered in my ear: “Boss, please agree quickly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!” I
said. Le Le smiled and scolded: “Look at your worthless look. But the price is very reasonable and it’s worth the risk. But first, let’s make sure your people don’t hinder me. I’ll save people first and then arrest them. Is that okay?”
After the two old family heads had no objections to this, I nodded and said: “Then get ready. Former Liyulang, you follow me up the mountain. Brother Junyi, you look after me at the bottom of the mountain. By the way, help me urge you.” That money, one yard for another, it’s time to pay the money they owe me.”
After saying that, I was ready to go. I don’t feel any pressure to save people. I was able to beat Douo once last time, and I can definitely do it this time. The only thing that worries me a little is arresting people. First of all, I didn’t know what kind of medicine Abe Yunshan’s grandson was selling in his gourd, and why he suddenly rebelled. Secondly, I feel that they must have a big conspiracy on the mountain, and what I have to deal with may not be a simple incident.
After getting ready,former Riyuro and I went into the mountains.
The two of us walked into the mountains one after the other. There were basically Onmyoji stationed along the way. There were constant “rumbling” sounds on the mountainside in front, and the former Riyulang behind him asked strangely: “Brother Shan,