pid after living with humans for a long time? You actually threatened me?” Leon said: “The three of us made an agreement at the beginning, and the three of us will not directly participate in the war. , you also agreed not to use the products of human civilization.”

pid after living with humans for a long time? You actually threatened me?” Leon said: “The three of us made an agreement at the beginning, and the three of us will not directly participate in the war. , you also agreed not to use the products of human civilization.”
“I disdain to use the garbage of human civilization. Power should come from the body of superior evolution. And you will always be just inferior species who rely on tools!” ”
I won’t argue with you. These!” Leon said, “Also, why did your ‘tentacles’ extend to the border? In addition to the abnormalities on your side in the past three months, you said that you did not break the agreement. I really can’t believe you!”
“Humph, Hum hum hum!” Wesker sneered repeatedly, “Fighting? I like it! If you and King Ada can’t kill me, I will kill you. But if you kill me, the biological beast will no longer have my restraints, and you will build a That wall will never be able to stop them, and humans will perish soon. Leon, if you want to take action, you’d better think clearly. Goodbye!” ”
But” Wesker suddenly changed his tone and said jokingly: ” Before that, I have to catch the two little mice that broke into my back garden!”
When Yin Kuang and Barbara heard this, they secretly muttered, and immediately jumped out at full speed. Then the two heard a loud noise from behind. It turned out that the giant tree where Yin Kuang and Barbara were hiding was instantly turned into powder by a force. Suddenly, the sky was filled with broken sawdust, which rolled up like a sandstorm and rushed toward Yin Kuang and Barbara.
Before Yin Kuang and the two of them ran more than twenty meters, they were drowned by the sandstorm of broken wood. Those light wood chips rushed in faster than Yin Kuang and Barbara! ?
“Be careful!” Yin Kuang shouted, hugged Barbara, and the wishful stick instantly turned into a thick shield behind him. The next moment, Yin Kuang felt a powerful and incredible force hitting the “Ruyi Shield”. With a “pop” sound, Yin Kuang spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and the two of them were knocked away together with the “Ruyi Shield”. At the same time, the “Ruyi Shield” drained a large portion of Yin Kuang’s purple dragon soul power and at least 2% of his “source” on its own.
Don’t think that 2% of the “sources” are not many. Yin Kuang spent countless efforts and time to extract them from the world of “Three Kingdoms” and “Journey to the West”. It can be said that “sources” can only be extracted. Non-renewable resources, use less and use less. But now, just resisting Wesker’s blow consumes 2% of the “source” and at least 10% of the purple dragon’s soul power. You can imagine how powerful Wesker’s blow just now was.
Even if he is not killed by one blow, he will definitely be seriously injured!
Is this the strength of super S-class?
Suddenly a roar sounded. It’s Lyon. In fact, Leon had already discovered two people hiding in the distance, but he only thought they were followers of Wesker, thinking that Wesker was planning to attack him. U