centers, including O’Neal.

centers, including O’Neal.
“Cobra” James Worthy;
Worthy’s honors are slightly worse than the previous two, but he is also among the top 50 in the NBA. He was the FMVP in 1988, 7 All-Stars, and 2 All-NBA third teams.
Byron Scott.
Scott’s playing career is more brilliant than his coaching career. This season is known as “Show Time” by fans. You may not imagine that the Lakers’ scoring leader is neither a magician nor a sky hook. , but Scott, who serves as the team’s starting shooting guard.
He averaged 21.6 points per game on a star-studded Lakers team, making him a real Lakers legend.
Michael Cooper.
Cooper was the strongest defensive player on that team’s front line. He was selected to the NBA Defensive First Team five times and the Second Team three times. He was also the NBA’s Best Defensive Player in 1987, the season before “Show Time.”
Michael Thompson.
A. C. Green.
The then-third-year player was also the starting power forward on that team.
It is worth mentioning that he served as the team’s starting power forward next to O’Neal in the 1999-2000 season, the season before Sun Hao landed in the NBA.
It would be unreasonable for the Lakers not to win the championship.
In fact, there have been changes in the personnel of this Lakers team, but they have won five championships in nine years, which is shockingly powerful.
From this, it shows that he is affirmative of the offensive performance of this Mavericks team.
In fact, after Kenny Smith’s remarks were reported by the media, they were unexpectedly recognized by many fans.
The Kings’ offense also has a good record, but they rely more on Adelman’s Preston system.
However, the Mavericks’ offense is more due to their strong personal abilities!
This is the most similar to the Lakers during the Show Time era.
In history, the small ball era team with Curry, Durant, Thompson and Green was also described as Show Time, and the same reason applies.
“Hey, we’re Show Time!”
Nowitzki shouted to Sun Hao during the training session.
Sun Hao did not try to dampen Nowitzki’s enthusiasm this time.
Because Nowitzki trained even harder after shouting.
Well, a mature veteran driver.
And it’s not just the veterans who are mature. The Mavericks players have maintained a very calm attitude in the face of such praise this time.
In addition to experiencing a losing streak before, there is also the fact that the Lakers during the Show Time period in history played three tiebreakers in the playoffs, and in the finals, they only defeated the Pistons by 3 points in the tiebreaker.
It’s not that they didn’t perform well, but the competitors that year were also very strong.
The same goes for the season the Mavericks are in right now.
Playing well does not mean winning the championship.
It’s just that the way they are playing now gives them a greater chance of winning the championship.
/In late December, Sun Hao went to Storrs, Connecticut, where the UConn Huskies play home.
Huskies, many people may know another name for this academic