fruit basket from a place selling flowers and fruits on the roadside. He himself started calling Xie Jia and asked where Huang Liang was now. Xie Jia said that she was in the inpatient department of Southwest Hospital and told her the specific room number.

fruit basket from a place selling flowers and fruits on the roadside. He himself started calling Xie Jia and asked where Huang Liang was now. Xie Jia said that she was in the inpatient department of Southwest Hospital and told her the specific room number.
When the three of them rushed to the room where Huang Liang was, Huang Liang was already lying on the bed, with the right side of his face wrapped in white gauze and an infusion bottle hanging on his head. His whole face was swollen and completely deformed. The handsomeness of “Thousand Girls” disappeared without a trace. Huang Liang’s eyes were half closed, his mouth was slightly open, and he was humming. It was probably because of the pain caused by the anesthesia given in the school infirmary.
The ward is a three-bed connected ward, and it is already full. Huang Liang is in the innermost position, with his parents and grade counselor Xie Jia surrounding him. Huang Liang’s father had a gloomy face, and his mother’s eyes were red and tearful, as if she had just cried. Xie Jia stayed with Huang Liang’s mother, whispering comfort.
The arrival of Wang Bo and his party temporarily interrupted the anger and sadness of Huang Liang’s family.
/“Uncle Huang, Aunt Li, Huang Liang, Teacher Xie.” Wang Bo greeted the four of them and handed the flower basket and fruit basket he bought to Huang Liang’s father who came up.
“Wang Bo, you, are you here to see our Huang Liang? I’m sorry to trouble you to make a trip.” Huang Liang’s mother forced a smile, greeted Wang Bo, raised her buttocks, and wanted to give up her seat to him.
“You should sit down, Aunt Li. I’ll just stand down and you’ll be fine. By the way, Aunt Li, what does the doctor say about Huang Liang’s injury?” Wang Bo held Huang Liang’s mother’s shoulders, preventing her from giving up her seat.
Mentioning her son’s injury, Huang Liang’s mother began to cry again, saying that the attending physician in the plastic surgery department was off duty now, and there was only one doctor on duty. The doctor on duty asked him to go through the hospitalization procedures first and prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs. After the attending doctor went to work tomorrow to see the specific injury, he would discuss subsequent treatment methods and see how to operate.
“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” Even if we lose everything, we will sue that mad dog and fight the lawsuit to the end!” Huang Liang’s mother said while wiping away tears.
/After hearing what his wife said, Huang Liang’s father’s face became even more gloomy, as if ink was about to drip, but he still did not speak. However, Wang Bo could feel the anger on his body even if he was two or three meters away.
Counselor Xie Jia immediately began to comfort Huang Liang’s mother, saying that the leaders of the department were meeting overnight to discuss this vicious incident on campus and that the relevant perpetrators would be severely punished.
Huang Liang’s pitiful groan, Huang’s father’s silent anger, Huang’s mo