g. When it was noon, Sun Li said that she missed the taro chicken at the farmhouse near Cave No. 2. Wang Boyang snapped his fingers, pointed towards the west door and said: “Today at noon, we will eat taro chicken.” It was a

g. When it was noon, Sun Li said that she missed the taro chicken at the farmhouse near Cave No. 2. Wang Boyang snapped his fingers, pointed towards the west door and said: “Today at noon, we will eat taro chicken.” It was a
good harvest. scene.
“Zian, time flies so fast, it’s already been a year in the blink of an eye.” Sun Li looked at the mottled farmland in front of her, but her thoughts went back to the day she confessed her love to Wang Bo a year ago. It was also in this place, and the weather was as gloomy as today. windy.
Is it because the weather is not good? she thinks.
“Yes! Time flies by like a white horse, and it slips away quietly when we don’t pay attention.” Wang Bo sighed casually, wrapped his arms around the girl, and pulled the girl’s soft and delicate body into his chest. Wang Bo sniffed the girl’s body with his nose. It seemed that the girl didn’t use perfume today, leaving only the smell of shampoo and the purest girl’s natural body fragrance lingering in his nose.
“Let’s go, Zian, let’s go to the supermarket to buy something for me to eat on the way tomorrow, and then go to your house to have a rest. After eating, I feel a little sleepy.” Half an hour later, Sun Li stood up and patted the grass on her butt. crumbs.
“Okay. Let’s go back home.” Wang Bo responded and stood up. Before leaving, I had some inexplicable memories in my mind. The scenery here cannot be said to be very beautiful. You can see ordinary scenery everywhere in the rural areas with rivers. However, whether the scenery is beautiful or not depends more on the people around you. Because of Sun Li, this ordinary scenery had extraordinary meaning in his eyes.
Now that we have said goodbye, we are carefree and our youthful middle school career is over. Even if there is a chance to come back again in the future, the scenery will be the same and the people will be the same, but the hearts will not necessarily be the same.
Thinking of this, Wang Bo’s heart immediately felt infinite nostalgia, and he wanted to ask Sun Li to sit here for a while longer.
But Sun Li had already sat on her mountain bike and was waiting for him quietly. Wang Bo had no choice but to stop thinking about staying a little longer, thinking that he would find another opportunity later.
The two began to ride back to the city one after another. Sun Li was in front and Wang Bo was behind. A not so sunny afternoon. But for the blazing summer weather, it’s a good time to go out.
“That’s enough. I bought so much, how can I finish it?” In the largest supermarket in Sifang, Wang Bo pushed a cart and picked up dry food for Sun Li to eat on the road.
/“If you can’t finish it, you can continue eating when you get to the imperial capital.” Wang Bo said with a smile, throwing a bag of pistachios and a bag of “old sc beef jerky” into the car. He remembered that these were two of the girl’s favorite snacks. ”
The imperial capital is so big, what doesn’t it have? You can buy everything you carry with you. “Sun Li retorted softly. Seeing that Wang Bo took w