doorbell again, and the red wooden door with the room number on it was still closed.

doorbell again, and the red wooden door with the room number on it was still closed.
“Did Jiahui go to Xiaobo’s room and not come back yet?” Zheng Yan thought.
This is not impossible. The relationship between the three of them is extremely good, and they haven’t seen each other for more than half a year. It is only natural for them to chat together at night.
/Zheng Yan returned to her room, planning to wait until twelve o’clock before knocking on the door. Zhong Jiahui is not an ignorant girl. Liang Ya and Wang Bo haven’t seen each other for more than half a year. Even if they have something to say, they won’t stay in Wang Bo’s room as a light bulb until twelve o’clock.
When Zheng Yan returned to the room, she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth, made a mask before going to bed, and took a shower. It was past twelve o’clock. After changing into a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt, she said to Luo Lin and Zhang Jing in the room:
“Linlin, Jingjing, I will go over and sleep with Jiahui tonight. You two don’t have to squeeze into the same bed, just one bed each.” During the business trip, the three girls lived in a standard room. Zheng Yan shared a bed, and Luo Lin and Zhang Jing slept in the same bed. Although it was a standard room in a five-star hotel and the single bed was very large and comfortable, Zheng Yan was still a little a little agitated when she saw Luo Lin and Zhang Jing sleeping in the same bed. It’s so crowded that there’s no room for one person to have a comfortable bed.
“Well, bye, Sister Yanzi.”
“Good night, Sister Yanzi.”
The two girls waved goodbye to Zheng Yan.
Zheng Yan came to the door of the room where Zhong Jiahui and Liang Ya lived again and rang the bell.
“Ding-a-ling, jingle-a-ling”
The doorbell jingled, sounding clear and sweet at the door of the quiet, luxuriously carpeted corridor.
Unfortunately, the “ding-a-ling” bell rang seven or eight times, but the thick wooden door was still closed.
“No way? You haven’t come back yet?” Zheng Yan looked at the time on her phone. It was already a quarter past twelve. Unless Zhong Jiahui wanted to stay in Wang Bo’s room for the night, there was no way she wouldn’t be back by this time.
Thanks to “book friend 150526224906704” for the reward of 500 starting coins!
Thanks to “Beicheng Gucha,” my brother for the reward of 500 starting coins!
Thanks to “Novel Can Be Addictive” brother for the reward of 500 starting coins!
I would also like to thank the three brothers and sisters “Moye, book friend 20170507065624845, and Demon Emperor Linghuang” for their generous rewards!
Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted for recommendations and voted for the month.
PS: Today’s update, sorry:)
/Zheng Yan stayed at the door of Zhong Jiahui’s bedroom for another ten minutes, waiting until half past twelve, but Zhong Jiahui still didn’t come back. She had to go back.
Luo Lin and Zhang Jing were surprised to see Zheng Yan leaving and coming back, and asked her what was wrong.
Zheng Yan said with a smile that Zhong Jiahu