, Jiang Mei felt lost for a while. It wasn’t until Wang Bo asked her to go to the magic city to work as a full-time “alchemist” and earn a lot of money that her worries turned into joy.

, Jiang Mei felt lost for a while. It wasn’t until Wang Bo asked her to go to the magic city to work as a full-time “alchemist” and earn a lot of money that her worries turned into joy.
It’s a pity that Mr. Li in Xiangjiang didn’t do enough to let them go, so she felt embarrassed and couldn’t find a suitable reason to continue to stay in the magic city. Although the little man tried his best to persuade her to stay, he also said that if she was worried about the gossip of people around her, he could pay to open a branch of “Zengsao Rice Noodles” in the commercial street of Shanghai and let her take care of it. Jiang Mei was quite moved by this, but big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou were not the target markets of “Zeng’s Catering”. If Wang Bo just opened a restaurant in Shanghai and asked her to take care of it, then everyone knew that Wang Bo was a “drunkard”. I don’t care about wine anymore.” In this case, Tian Xin will definitely feel uncomfortable and feel that Wang Bo is partial, and the two sisters will be alienated. She didn’t want to make things difficult for Wang Bo, nor did she want to lose Tian Xin, a good sister, so she finally rejected Wang Bo’s tempting proposal.
But unexpectedly, now the little man repeated his old words and found a perfect, suitable, legitimate, fair and aboveboard reason that she could not refuse.
“I don’t know if I can take good care of you.” Jiang Mei blushed, suppressing her heart that was pounding with excitement, and said coquettishly.
“Haha, it’s called taking care of me, but it’s actually just being a companion to my mother, talking to her, traveling and so on. You can definitely do this. Mom, what do you think? I asked Sister Mei to go to the Magic City to accompany you. Are you willing?” Wang Bo chuckled and looked at his mother again.
Going to a magical city and thousands of miles away from home, Zeng Fanyu certainly wanted to have someone by his side who knew everything. Zeng Fanyu grinned, looked at Jiang Mei, and said cheerfully:
“If you like, Meimei will accompany me. Of course I am willing. I have watched her grow up. But, I am an old woman and asked Meimei to stay with me without going to work.” , what do you want? You can’t delay Mei Mei’s business.”
/Zeng Fanyu said yes, Jiang Mei felt even more happy, and said hurriedly: “It’s okay, ma’am, I just work as a supervisor at work. Now Jie Ying can completely replace me in my job. “Since” Jiang Mei bit her lower lip and glanced at Tian Xin beside her with a guilty look, “Since you think highly of me, my dear, I’ll go to the Magic City to accompany you.”
“Haha, it’s good to dare to love! Then it’s good to dare to love! In the past two days, I have been worried that I won’t find anyone to chat with and have a chat with in the Magic City. The people from the Magic City said again I don’t understand the dialect in the capital, and I can’t speak Mandarin. I’m afraid I won’t even dare to go out on the street.
“Now, with Meimei, I can walk around in the capital.
“Meimei, then just listen t