It’s just a matter of learning facial expressions and body tracing, and I haven’t formed my own style yet. I have always believed that practicing calligraphy should be like Wang Xianzhi, learning from the teacher.” His father, however, formed his own school. Although Li Shimin ridiculed him, “Although he has his father’s style, he is not new. Looking at the style of his calligraphy, he is as sparse and thin as a dead tree in the middle of winter; looking at his writing, he is as restrained as a hungry official of the Yan family.” Not to mention how many of these words are untrue, it is really not easy for a father like Wang Yishao to look up to the mountains and find his own way in the majestic mountains. I think this is how we practice calligraphy and writing today. Man, the height of true ideals!”

It’s just a matter of learning facial expressions and body tracing, and I haven’t formed my own style yet. I have always believed that practicing calligraphy should be like Wang Xianzhi, learning from the teacher.” His father, however, formed his own school. Although Li Shimin ridiculed him, “Although he has his father’s style, he is not new. Looking at the style of his calligraphy, he is as sparse and thin as a dead tree in the middle of winter; looking at his writing, he is as restrained as a hungry official of the Yan family.” Not to mention how many of these words are untrue, it is really not easy for a father like Wang Yishao to look up to the mountains and find his own way in the majestic mountains. I think this is how we practice calligraphy and writing today. Man, the height of true ideals!”
It has to be said that when Ren Wenqing was young, even the mosquitoes passing by would be sore. Wen Liang was worried that the girl would not understand. Unexpectedly, the girl stared at Ren Yi, but slightly A smile.
/It was this smile that made Wen Liang and Ren Yi dumbfounded. They had never thought that a girl’s smile could be so beautiful!
When she wasn’t smiling, not to mention she couldn’t compare to Xu Yao Jisu’s flawless face, even Meng Ke and Yang Yang’s beauty was slightly inferior. But when she smiled, her thick eyebrows suddenly became bright and graceful. Standing, the slightly wide-spaced eyes are like the bright moon in the sky. It is also this smile. All the shortcomings are covered up under the bright smile. The shortcomings are no longer there, and you are reborn in Nirvana!
Ren Yi was completely stunned, and for a moment he was out of his mind. His mouth was about to drool, and he murmured: “Dead, dead, I’m going to die.”
The girl probably didn’t like his pervert appearance, her smile faded and her face was slightly cold. , said: “You guys should go quickly. Don’t come to the classroom when no one is around. Things have been lost a lot in the class recently. Maybe someone is a thief.”
/Wen Liang didn’t know what to say at this time, and he was all suspected. He has become a thief, what else is there to say? But it’s no wonder that the girl is suspicious. Anyone who sees two unknown people, especially one who is so wretched, will of course think the worst.
Uncle Wen took the initiative to exclude himself. In fact, in the eyes of the girl, the level of obscenity between the two was the same!
“We’re leaving now, we’re leaving now. Don’t worry, classmate. You can find out who I am, Liu Zhihe, later. I’m definitely not a sneaky rat.” Wen Liang poured dirty water on Liu Zhihe. , while pulling Ren Yi. Ren Yi, a good guy, didn’t know what went wrong if the negotiation was going well. He hesitated and didn’t want to leave. Wen Liang had no choice but to lower his voice and said: “Get out first, it won’t work now. We can think of a solution after we go back.
” Leaving the back door and passing the girl, Ren Yi turned his head slightly and glanced across the girl’s face. Suddenly his heart beat v