ability, are competent in annual assessments during their tenure as first-level police inspectors, and meet a series of conditions within the scope of the job grade establishment police rank can be promoted to third-level police inspectors.

ability, are competent in annual assessments during their tenure as first-level police inspectors, and meet a series of conditions within the scope of the job grade establishment police rank can be promoted to third-level police inspectors.
There are many conditions. For example, officers at the chief and deputy division level must serve as public security directors in provincial capitals and prefecture-level cities with large populations and heavy security tasks. They must serve as first-level police inspectors for 2 years and hold chief and deputy division level positions for 3 years. years, have been working for 22 years or more, or have been a first-level police inspector for 6 years.
/For example, he serves as the director of the prefectural (city) public security department (bureau), the deputy director of the public security bureau of a provincial capital city (city organized at the sub-provincial level), and the director of the provincial (autonomous region, municipality) public security department (bureau) or above. A first-level police inspector must have served for three years or more, have held the current rank for two years, have been working for more than 25 years, or have served as a first-level police inspector for six years.
The requirements for professional and technical positions are not so strict, but it is not that easy to be promoted to third-level police officer.
Moreover, it is a selective promotion, and you will not be promoted 100% if you meet the conditions!
A third-level police officer, wearing a white shirt, Han Bo was stunned. He couldn’t believe it was true.
Deputy Director Wu raised his head and looked at the time on the wall clock. While signaling Xiao Xu to pack his things and prepare to leave, he explained with a smile: “I told you, special cases will be handled specially. Secretary Lin personally called to help you fight for it. The department leaders said This case is also taken very seriously. The department leaders remember you and have an impression of you, so the case was handled smoothly. This is peacetime. If it were in war years, not to mention a thirty-year-old third-level police officer, a thirty-year-old general would Yes, and not less.”
/This is a promotion!
I don’t know how happy my wife would be if she knew the news.
She would be very happy to know that Han Bo only had pressure. He was promoted to a rank without solving the case, and he was promoted to an unusual rank. This shows how much his superiors attach great importance to this case and how high their expectations are for him.
If he couldn’t recover the stolen money, would he have the nerve to wear this white shirt? Have the nerve to wear the rank of third-class police superintendent?
As if in a dream, he followed him downstairs in a daze and climbed into the waiting minibus. He didn’t calm down until the two attendants greeted him.
“Director Wu, it’s too sudden. I don’t meet the conditions. It’s too exaggerated to be promoted first and then participate in promotion training.” “Meeting the