tion chief of the Security Section of the Silk Textile General Factory and the leader of the economic police unit, my attitude is to resolutely ban it. But considering you Considering the practical difficulties, considering the convenience of the people, but not having the heart to ban or investigate and deal with it. Therefore, based on the principle of ‘removing blockage combined with blocking’, we asked the superiors for instructions to treat the night market as a temporary convenience market, and at the same time strengthen the supervision of the night market.”

tion chief of the Security Section of the Silk Textile General Factory and the leader of the economic police unit, my attitude is to resolutely ban it. But considering you Considering the practical difficulties, considering the convenience of the people, but not having the heart to ban or investigate and deal with it. Therefore, based on the principle of ‘removing blockage combined with blocking’, we asked the superiors for instructions to treat the night market as a temporary convenience market, and at the same time strengthen the supervision of the night market.”
Wu Yongliang He clapped his hands and shouted at the top of his voice: “I’ll give you an hour to go to the factory’s big conference room for a meeting. Bring your wallet and valuables. There will be no problem with the booth with so many policemen outside.”
“Hurry up and take your time. , stop dawdling, go to the meeting if you want to continue selling. It doesn’t matter if you don’t go, just close the stall and leave. I’ll catch you one at a time in the future!”
Jiang Guoping was friendly and kind, and he became the focus of many vendors as he was a good gentleman. They surrounded him, greeted him with smoke, and asked him to come forward to intercede.
“Chief Jiang, if you don’t speak for us, no one will speak for us. He is the deputy section chief, and he wants to listen to you!” “I have
/only been here for a few days, and he doesn’t care about things outside the factory. The dog takes care of the mouse. Who does he think he is? Does he have you as a leader in his eyes?”
“Lao Yu, don’t talk nonsense.”
Jiang Guoping waved his hand and explained slowly: “Chief Han is not only the deputy chief of the Security Section, but also the Economic Police Section Chief. Captain, under the dual leadership of the factory and the Public Security Bureau, he is both a corporate cadre and a people’s policeman. The team instructor who cooperates with Section Chief Han’s work is transferred from the Public Security Bureau. Today is a joint law enforcement by the Public Security, Industry and Commerce and Security Departments. If you stand up to him Come on, tomorrow will be the joint enforcement of the law by the public security, industrial, commercial, taxation, health and security departments. Young people are full of blood. During the crackdown, you try to mess with him and make sure you get the deductions that should be deducted, the penalties that should be punished, and the arrests that should be arrested. Didn’t you arrest them just now? There are four of them.”
So many police officers were summoned at once, and as soon as they came out they arrested a few idle gangsters. There was really no good fruit to be gained by working with him.
A street vendor asked cautiously: “Chief Jiang, what does the combination of clearing and blocking mean? What does he want?” “Actually, he
is doing it for your own good. The factory will not let you make a mess at the door again, and the police will not If you are allowed to affect traffic again, we will no longer ig