cher who came down from the upper realm. Even the superiors in this plane regard Li Shu as ants, and he is more qualified to see it this way – in my eyes, you superiors are just ants.

cher who came down from the upper realm. Even the superiors in this plane regard Li Shu as ants, and he is more qualified to see it this way – in my eyes, you superiors are just ants.
In short, he believed that Xuannv Palace’s counterattack against the court’s plot and Li Qingming’s promise were completely different things. One was a calculation of the general situation, or even a conspiracy, while the other was a personal choice.
To put it more unpleasantly, what if all the people in Youzhou County died? Although Li Yongsheng cares about these things, if he goes all out, he won’t be able to bear the consequences. At most, he can help the people of Youzhou to avenge him.
All said and done, he hated the imperial court’s hindrance very much. This hatred even exceeded his concern for the common people of Youzhou.
In his opinion, it was really chilling to use such a shameless method on such a major event, targeting Xuannv Palace, who had contributed a lot to the court.
/It is true that those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, and those who are selfless in politics are all the principles of those in power. However, there must always be a bottom line in being a human being.
In fact, he felt that he had successfully deceived him that night – in fact, he had aroused Li Qingming’s grassroots heart. He did not think that Li Qingming would easily cheat because of what happened in Sanxiang County. change one’s mind.
People who are willing to act on their own initiative are mostly temperamental people. Once they have decided on something, they will not change their minds easily.
Not to mention, with Li Qingming’s temperament, once he knew the inside story of the Sanxiang County incident, he would probably be dissatisfied with the court’s actions.
The person from the Military Intelligence Department originally had something to say, but seeing that he spoke so decisively, he couldn’t hold on any longer, so he could only sigh and turn around and leave.
/However, the people from the Military Intelligence Department encountered a wall in Thunder Valley, which greatly shocked the court.
Previously, the court’s thoughts had been on the war situation in Youzhou. Although Sanxiang was also in turmoil, it was far away after all and was not a problem. Everyone could just pretend to ignore it.
Later, Wang Zhiyun of Boling County boldly sent troops and actually created a small situation. Although he suffered a small defeat in the end, he stabilized the battle situation and drove a nail into Sanxiang County.
At this point, the situation of the Sanxiang War is very satisfactory to everyone. Under the current situation, those who can stabilize the situation are the first-class heroes. As for launching a counterattack, that is the next step to consider.
Under such circumstances, Sanxiang County became unstable again, showing signs of falling, and there was an uproar in the court.
It was some people from the Hall of Cause and Effect who took action against Xuannv Palace. There were very few officia