matter if it’s an English song. What surprises me is that this song is sung by Yu Dynasty. Is there a corresponding MV?”

“I can!”
Netizens’ interest was piqued!
If it is a single singer of Yu Dynasty, it may not have the same appeal, but if it is a chorus song by the entire Yu Dynasty, then the appeal of this song to everyone is even greater than that of Xianyu himself. Everyone loves to watch Yu Dynasty. Fit!
Countless mouse clicks.
Netizens opened the song’s mv
School of Art.
Dormitory for junior music department.
Under the bed.
A boy who was playing on the computer suddenly said:
“What happened?”
“It’s twelve o’clock, Xianyu’s new song for October has just been released, and it seems to be an English song!”
“Damn it, why are you still standing there, singing!”
“Don’t you watch the MV?”
“This time the song also has a music video?”
“Yeah, and the Fish Dynasty sang in a group chorus.”
“It turns out to be the chorus of the Fish Dynasty. Then hurry up and open it. Your computer screen will be clearer.”
The dormitory suddenly became lively!
The members of this dormitory are all music students.
Many people who study music these days are fans of Xianyu.
The four people in this dormitory are no exception.
The four of them sat around the computer and stared at the screen.
“At seven o’clock on September 30th, we are going to drive through Sioux City to attend the wedding.”
/mv starts.
No background music.
Following a scene, Xianyu appeared in front of the camera and unveiled the mystery of the MV in one sentence.
Following this opening, the four students whispered to each other:
“attend a wedding?”
“Isn’t this today’s gossip?”
“I also said that someone with such a big face can invite Yu Dynasty to appear at the wedding. It turns out that Yu Dynasty is filming the music video.”
“There’s music.”
The four of them stopped talking and got ready to listen to the song.
However, when the singing started, the four people’s attention could not help but be attracted by the picture, so that they temporarily forgot to carefully appreciate the strong rhythm of the music in their ears.
It’s different from the lengthy shooting process.
The mv scenes are edited and the pace is very fast.
A few cars started off, and the camera moved to the hotel.
/Xingmang’s staff began to put up the curtain.
The guests looked around curiously.
The bride and groom looked confused.
Some hotel staff wanted to stop him, but were stopped by Lao Zhou.
Several shots were completed in one go.
at the same time.
Fish Dynasty walked into the hotel lobby through the kitchen.
The camera also showed the reaction of the head chef in the back kitchen for a few seconds.
“This is”
“Airborne wedding?”
“Don’t these people know that the Fish Dynasty is coming? The chef’s reaction is so funny!”
“What a show!”
The mv background is finally laid.
The purpose of the Fish Dynasty is already very obvious!
The four people in the dormitory looked at each other!
They saw the anticipation in each other’