cobalt, ordinary metals were enough, and the number quickly recovered. Liu Qian searched for several small cobalt mines nearby, and continued to mine while detonating troops. When the time was right, he would go and get the approximately 50,000 cobalt mines. The nest of mixed forces was destroyed.

cobalt, ordinary metals were enough, and the number quickly recovered. Liu Qian searched for several small cobalt mines nearby, and continued to mine while detonating troops. When the time was right, he would go and get the approximately 50,000 cobalt mines. The nest of mixed forces was destroyed.
Good news came from the Mars base. After the efforts of the scientists, they created a controlled detection device that can detect changes in the content of coronium below the ground within a few kilometers. After sending the structural diagram to Liu Qian , Liu Qian’s arsenal will be able to mass-produce such detection devices.
/Detection devices can be installed on the slingers, adding a function to them so that robot troops no longer have to worry about ambushes below the ground no matter where they go.
Although Liu Gan can also detect underground ambush, in Liu Gan’s conception of his robot army, they should be able to fight on their own without him, especially when the robot army becomes larger and larger in the future, Liu Gan It’s impossible to provide vision and detection to every robot army, so it’s better to give them their own detection capabilities.
Next, Liu Gan continued to open bases, explode troops, and put robot workers into mineral veins across the planet far away from the mother nest. He accumulated strength bit by bit. Once the number of robot soldiers reached about 50,000, he would Launch a new round of counterattack.
Just when Liu Gan kept mining and exploding troops, good news came from the Mars base again. Originally, the miniaturization of space armor required the use of blue crystal. There is no blue crystal ore on the HY32 planet. But scientists have found a way to miniaturize the space armor using raw materials like coronium.
The scientists conducted the experiment using zirconia synthesized in the laboratory. This kind of miniaturized space armor made of zirconia cannot be as small as the miniaturized space armor made of blue crystal. The smallest one can only be It is about ten meters in diameter and has the highest defensive power when made into a sphere.
Using the information on the miniaturization of space armor sent by scientists and the situation on the HY32 planet, Liu Gan decided to create a new unit with a spherical shape of ten meters in diameter. This new unit uses spherical space armor as a defense and is on the planet. Roll forward and install a high-power plasma jet device, which can effectively make up for the Shatterer’s lack of attack power and defense, and form a more powerful steel wall for long-range troops in front.
Liu Gan named this spherical combat robot the Terminator.
Finally, Liu Gan’s troops accumulated to 20,000, including 12,000 Shatterers, 6,000 Overlord Boom, 1,000 Terminators, 700 Vomiters and 300 Explosives.
All the cobalt mines that can be found nearby have been dug out by Liu Gan. It is impossible to open more mines to blast more soldiers. Seeing the end of the thousand huge spheres with a diameter of ten meters equipped with space armor. H