nothing to do for a while, he jumped out of the wooden cart and walked into the huge bark house where the history of Tudenan was enshrined. He sat cross-legged on the animal skin chair and began to practice the secret method.

nothing to do for a while, he jumped out of the wooden cart and walked into the huge bark house where the history of Tudenan was enshrined. He sat cross-legged on the animal skin chair and began to practice the secret method.
In the battle to conquer the ‘Tribal Alliance’, the early ‘saturation air raids’ by the US Army took away most of the hatred and hatred of the natives, leaving the young man’s witchcraft power still a little short of breaking through to the realm of the Nine Witches.
In the following days, in addition to flying back to New York in the form of a dragon, sneaking into New York University and stealing the concussion device to break the ‘Golden Elixir’, he transplanted fragments of the ‘Golden Elixir’ into Tudenan soldiers, and worked hard Practice to kill time.
It wasn’t until one day when he was practicing with the smoke behind him that Zhang Lisheng suddenly felt uneasy. He opened his eyes and thought about it carefully and realized that it was already the day to complete the transaction with the ‘Lord’.
/One hundred and twenty days later, the situation on the ‘Hai Xia B1 Island’ suddenly changed. The transaction between Zhang Lisheng and the ‘Dark Walkers’ no longer made any sense. However, the twenty-six faith cobblestones were of great significance to Tudenan, who already had millions of devout believers. It was of no value to the attacker, so he really couldn’t afford to offend a large group of powerful “dark walkers” and break the contract.
“Twenty-six, twenty-six…” He turned around and counted enough stones of faith on the altar dedicated to the tribe’s history. He clenched his hands and got off the animal skin chair. Zhang Lisheng strode out of the bark house and saw that it was almost dusk. He drove the witch bug to jump off his shoulders, expand his body, and ignore the groups of kneeling natives. He jumped on the back of Ghost Face and walked towards the habitat of the Mochacho tribe, which had been extinct for several months.
After walking through the dense forest for a long time, the young man arrived at his destination.
In the ruins, he looked around and found no one. After waiting quietly under the bright moon for a while, he saw a tall man wearing a camouflage jacket walking calmly out of the jungle.
“Good evening, Lord Longya.
I thought that with so many accidents happening, even if you swore by the River Styx, you might not show up tonight, but I didn’t expect that I would be late instead.” The tall man came politely He walked in front of Zhang Lisheng, whose slender body was covered with diamond-shaped scales, and said in an unpleasant voice that was completely opposite to his demeanor.
“Good evening, Your Excellency, the new clothes suit you very well.
Since I promised you, I will naturally keep my promise,” Zhang Lisheng said, throwing the stone of faith in his claws directly towards the Lord. “Take your reward and we will be clear. Got it.”
Seeing more than twenty round stones flying towards him under the dim moonlight, the Lord waved his right hand