, and a graceful manner in speaking and doing things. He rarely has the bastard style of an ordinary playboy. Although his grades in school are not very good, they are still passable. A person like this, You can be loved by friends and elders.

, and a graceful manner in speaking and doing things. He rarely has the bastard style of an ordinary playboy. Although his grades in school are not very good, they are still passable. A person like this, You can be loved by friends and elders.
When Wen Liang compared with him, to use an old saying, he was simply a scumbag!
Ning Xiaoning actually didn’t know much about the dirty things Gu Wenyuan did in private. She just heard about it, but it didn’t stop her from looking down on Gu Wenyuan. There is no reason for this. Women, oh no, little girls actually believe in intuition. Every time she sees Gu Wenyuan’s gentle smile and handsome face, she can’t help but want to spit.
/Ning Xiaoning suddenly realized that Wen Liang was more than a little different. He is completely different from his peers. He can fight with gangsters to save a clerk, or he can sarcastically say weird things that make people vomit blood. He can protect Xu Yao and face death calmly, but he can also be killed because of being killed. The misunderstanding resolutely turned around; sometimes he was playful and smiling, sometimes he was magnanimous and daring. Such a boy may not be comparable to Gu Wenyuan in family background, appearance, and future, but it is undeniable that he is more real than Gu Wenyuan. It’s also more interesting than Gu Wenyuan.
“Comrade coach, I’m asking you something, why are you so dazed!”
Ning Xiaoning hummed and raised her head, only to find that Wen Liang was standing in front of her at some point, bending down to look at herself, with a strong masculine aura coming to her nostrils. Viewed from this angle, he has clear black eyes, a straight and straight nose, his eyebrows are dark but not strong, the edges on the side of his face are more soft and less cold, and his exercised hair is wet and somewhat stern. A few drops of sweat were almost on the tip of his nose. Ning Xiaoning’s face turned red for a rare moment, and she leaned back to barely avoid the falling water drops, and said angrily: “Why are you so close? If you squeeze me again, I’ll kick you to death.”
Wen Liang was stunned for a moment. The tone of these words sounded so much like Xu Yao’s, and Xu Yao looked at each other, and they both burst out laughing at the same time.
The three of them saw that it was almost time and packed up their things to leave. At this time, the door of the basketball gym was pushed open, and a person walked in first, followed by the four people who had just run away. One of the two leaders was in his forties and had a big belly. He looked like an administrative worker in the school. The other was in his early thirties. He was wearing a decent suit and looked young and capable. Hengrou Man pointed at Wen Liang and the other three and said, “Dean Zhao, these three people from the Foreign Languages ??Department are unreasonable. Not only do they dominate the basketball hall and prevent us from training, but they also beat people.”
Dean Zhao, who is in his forties He snorted coldly, clasped his hands behind his back, and