tween Fan Hengan and Fang Mingtang, and the political struggle between Zuo Jing and Fang Mingtang, Wen Liang immediately figured out the reason for the whole thing. Fan Hengan suffered heavy losses from Zuo Jing’s blow. After Zhou Yuanting succeeded as mayor, he naturally had to compensate Fan Hengan according to Fang Mingtang’s wishes. Smart people always see the same thing. Under the temptation of the big cake of state-owned enterprise reform, countless state-owned assets have been lost across the country. Large factories like Qinghua Chemical Plant, which have strong capital but are struggling, are naturally their favorites. choice.

tween Fan Hengan and Fang Mingtang, and the political struggle between Zuo Jing and Fang Mingtang, Wen Liang immediately figured out the reason for the whole thing. Fan Hengan suffered heavy losses from Zuo Jing’s blow. After Zhou Yuanting succeeded as mayor, he naturally had to compensate Fan Hengan according to Fang Mingtang’s wishes. Smart people always see the same thing. Under the temptation of the big cake of state-owned enterprise reform, countless state-owned assets have been lost across the country. Large factories like Qinghua Chemical Plant, which have strong capital but are struggling, are naturally their favorites. choice.
You’re a bastard if you don’t make money! But is the money so easy to make?
/A hint of a sinister smile appeared on Wen Liang’s face, and he said three words to Zuo Yuxi: “Xu Fuyan!”
Yes, it was Xu Fuyan!
Xu Fuyan was able to land in Qingzhou from the provincial capital during the bitter struggle between Zuo Jing and Fang Mingtang, and took charge of the political side. Needless to say, his relationship with the province was negotiable. What’s more subtle is that Zhou Yuanting and Fang Mingtang regard Qingzhou as a forbidden area and are extremely disrespectful to this nominal leader. Not only do they not support him in carrying out his work, but they also make things difficult for him and act unscrupulously, which is bound to cause a strong backlash from Xu Fuyan.
The current situation is that Zuo Jing suffers from the fact that he is far away in Lingyang and has all the power in the sky, but it is difficult to use his full strength; while Xu Fuyan suffers from the lack of foundation in Qingzhou and does not have enough influence to control the situation. One is powerful but not powerful, and the other is powerful and powerless. In theory, there is definitely the possibility of joining forces.
However, official affairs are treacherous and mysterious. The two belong to different factions and have no contact with each other, so their trust will be greatly reduced. The other two do not know each other’s predicament and determination, so they are inevitably suspicious when working together. However, against enemies like Zhou Yuanting and Fang Mingtang, a single move will lead to disaster.
In this case, an excellent opportunity is needed to serve as a link for communication and integration between the two.
The Qinghua Chemical Plant is where this opportunity lies, and it is also the best entry point for Wen Liang to break this deadlock. And Wen Liang himself is this link!
Zuo Yuxi was stunned for a moment, then asked: “Xu Fuyan?” She shook her head as she said, “Xu Fuyan, the secretary who raised his hand, has long been a joke in Qingzhou official circles, and it is not enough to rely on.”
“Sister Zuo, you are wrong!” The light of wisdom flashed in Wen Liang’s eyes, which was not as calm and calm as he should be at this age. “Xu Fuyan was parachuted to Qingzhou with high hopes from the province, intending to stabilize the situation that was turbulent due to the left-wing