, forcing the prisoners of war who had been transformed after a night’s conversion ceremony, but were still almost the same as the tribe’s population. Kneel down to the totem pole of the Tudenan tribe and offer your devotion.

, forcing the prisoners of war who had been transformed after a night’s conversion ceremony, but were still almost the same as the tribe’s population. Kneel down to the totem pole of the Tudenan tribe and offer your devotion.
In front of the totem pole, a shockingly huge pit filled with blood and water is filled with hundreds of dead bodies and several collapsed stone pillars.
On the edge of the pit There were hundreds of headless corpses lying messily on the ground, but the hot blood in their cavities had already flowed into the pit and turned into a part of the blood pool. As the
transformation ceremony was going on, I suddenly saw the tribe’s living faith carrying mature Thousands of captives came from afar, and all the old Tudenans were like weeds blown by the strong wind, lying on the ground and praying softly. Under
their influence, those newly converted Tudenans also slowed down Everyone fell to their knees one after another.
In the murmur of prayers with a strange rhythm, the tribal leader came to Zhang Lisheng, kissed his insteps devoutly, and said in an excited and hoarse voice, “Seventy, seventy thousand people, The great conqueror, ‘Tudenan’ has more than 70,000 tribesmen.
If all these prisoners of war are successfully transformed, I’m afraid, I’m afraid that the tribe’s population will have a chance to reach 150,000, 150,000…”
150,000, this number is only a few in the eyes of Zhang Lisheng, who is from China’s most populous province, Western Sichuan Province. The number of people in a county town is already an unimaginable number in Tugla’s eyes.
“One hundred and fifty thousand people is about five times the number of Tudenan’s original tribe.” Zhang Lisheng looked down at his feet and seemed a little out of breath. The angry native head man said calmly: “Hurry up and complete the transformation and resume the tribe’s normal ‘fishing and hunting’, otherwise the Tudenan people will suffer from famine. ”
His voice seemed to have some kind of calming appeal, which slowly calmed Tugra’s agitated mood, “I obey the great conqueror. “, stood up, and walked towards the endless tribesmen not far away.
Finally, when the sun rose in the center of the sky, the number of the Tudenan people was fixed at 151,1670. In addition, although the totem poles of the tribe The height only increased by three or five meters, but it became several times thicker.
But unfortunately, the tribe did not evolve into the ‘Iron Sword’ tribe, and Zhang Lisheng did not further gain the reputation of a ‘conqueror’
/. After the transformation ceremony was completed,’ In Tudenan’s huge bark house enshrined in history, Tugra knelt on the ground and described to Zhang Lisheng how powerful the tribe was at this time, “Great conqueror, within a radius of at least 100,000 steps, we are already the most powerful. tribe, no one dares to challenge the majesty of ‘Tudenan’ anymore, it’s all your fault…” ”
Okay Tugla, now is not the time to be complacent. Has the tribe’s ‘fishing and hunting’ been restored? Zhang Lisheng ch