when you see it. This news has already exploded on the Internet, and many netizens don’t understand it. Think about it, why would a public security chief be in charge of the economic field for no reason, but most people think that he needs to make progress again.

when you see it. This news has already exploded on the Internet, and many netizens don’t understand it. Think about it, why would a public security chief be in charge of the economic field for no reason, but most people think that he needs to make progress again.
/Deputy Director Chen didn’t think so. He stared at the computer monitor and murmured: “No wonder there is no movement at all. It turns out that I don’t care!”
Either nothing happens, or it is a big deal, but what else can happen?
Deputy Director Hao was puzzled. He put down the mouse and said, “This is not in accordance with the procedures. The appointment and removal of the director of the Public Security Department must be approved by the superior public security agency. There is no mention of the Ministry of Public Security at all.”
“Do you have any acquaintances over there?”
” No, I have been working in the province, and I was transferred to the public security system later. I really don’t know anyone there.”
“Xiao Wu, do you have any?”
“I know a few, but they have all been dismissed from their positions. Even if they are fired, Even if I ask them on the phone, they may not necessarily know.”
/Deputy Director Chen pondered for a moment and said with relief: “Forget it, even if something big happens, it has nothing to do with us, not to mention it doesn’t matter to us, especially to Xiao Han. What a bad thing.”
“Okay, I understand, thank you.”
It was already 2 pm when Han Bo received the message. As soon as he got off the plane and turned on his mobile phone, he was connected to calls from Wu You and Li Haiqiang.
As the old leader in Jiangcheng said, it would not be a bad thing for him to transfer the “star in the police industry” from the public security system in the southwest, but the news was too sudden, shocking and unreasonable. He did not hesitate to call his mentor and ask her Contact students working in Southwest China to find out what’s going on.
You won’t know if you don’t ask, but you’ll be shocked if you ask.
I didn’t digest the whole journey from the airport to Xinyang city until the Toyota Coaster bus slowly drove into the Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department. When I saw Du Zhigang, the former criminal investigation captain and now deputy director, looking at me with a smile, I didn’t dare to Believe in the authenticity of the news.
“I said Deputy Director Han, after all, this is your natal family, and you haven’t come back to see us old comrades for so many years. If you hadn’t really been unable to drink, I would have drunk you until you were drunk today.”
“Director Du, am I back?” Han Bo was equally happy to meet again after a long absence. He shook hands first, but the mere handshake was not enough, so he couldn’t help but give him a warm hug.
Her mood is understandable. Whether she is in Jiang Province or your province, or even if she goes to South Africa with her husband, her career is going smoothly. She is either a manager or a boss, and she is a guaranteed “employee queen”.
Du Zhigang