help but blush, but he still had to stick to the bottom line, “This charter cannot be issued casually. Once it is issued, it will become a rule. There are no such charters in other counties. We really can’t start this.”

help but blush, but he still had to stick to the bottom line, “This charter cannot be issued casually. Once it is issued, it will become a rule. There are no such charters in other counties. We really can’t start this.”
Li Yongsheng did not. He snorted angrily, “There are no examples of other counties forcibly recruiting seminarians for military service during peacetime!” ”
/So Lian Ying is finished,” Wang Zhiyun hesitated, but decided to stick to his principles.
Because he has already judged that although Li Yongsheng is difficult to speak, people who are good at introspection are essentially more objective in doing things and are usually willing to reason. “Well, if you can help me this time, I will give you a monastery.” Can you issue a mission statement?”
“Hey, why not issue a mission statement for two people?” Qin Tianzhu’s eyes lit up, “Yongsheng, you don’t have to bring one more person anyway.”
Li Yongsheng glared at him angrily, “This It won’t be a peaceful journey, so just stay in Boling County.”
“Xiao Qin wants to go, that’s no problem,” Wang Jun said, “It’s just one more person on the task book. Speaking of safety on the road, we must take a flying boat and leave it to me.”
“Huh?” Li Yongsheng couldn’t help but look at him and thought to himself that this new military commander and Lian Ying were two extremes. He lowered his arrogance and worked hard on his work.
Even though there were many criticisms of the military ward, he had to admit that Wang Zhiyun was indeed a business man, so he no longer cared about it. “There are two other Taoist friends who are traveling with me. Can they also board the flying boat?”
Wang Zhiyun said. The military officer immediately thought of the two Taoist nuns sitting on the steps drinking outside the door. He hesitated, nodded, and answered simply, “No problem.”
” This person is quite reliable in his work.” At this moment, a voice came from outside the door, “He is much more refined than Li Qingming.” The speaker
was none other than Zhang Muzi. She had witnessed Li Qingming tearing down Li Yongsheng. of the wall.
When Wang Zhiyun heard this, he was shocked again. The Taoist nun sitting on the ground outside the door had also seen Minister Li?
He laughed dryly and spoke forcefully, “However, it would be better if you two could change into casual clothes.”
“No need,” it was Du Jingjing who spoke this time, “Just register the imperial certificate. It seems that no one has ever sat on it. Like a flying boat.”
Chapter 472 Efficiency
Dao Palace disciples are not allowed to enter the mortal world. Very few people have ridden on flying boats, but in fact, they can ride on flying boats, just like they can ride on long-distance carriages, but there are many At that time, they were unwilling to register the imperial edict.
Moreover, Feizhou’s resources are indeed very precious and sensitive, and a big shot in the county must come forward to coordinate successfully.
If someone breaks into the Taoist palace by force, it is absolutely impossible – if yo